Recognised by Kate Bosworth and Charlize Theron as the secret to their tightened and lifted skin, radio frequency devices (also known as RF devices) are no longer exclusive to A-list clinics. Now, you can bring the power of RF into your own at home beauty routine. Radio frequency skin treatments are clinically proven to soften fine lines and wrinkles, while tightening sagging skin.
You may be asking, ‘but what is a radio frequency treatment?’ Here, we’ll explain how radio frequency works, what results you can expect, along with an up-to-date look at world leading devices.
What is radio frequency?
Radio frequency skin treatments are all about stimulating your skin’s natural collagen and elastin production. During the RF treatment, radio frequency waves pass through the skin from one pole to another. When the skin resists these waves, it heats up, stimulating collagen. As there is an optimal collagen-producing temperature and because everyone’s skin resistance can vary, maintaining this temperature can be a challenge. This is where some at home RF devices stand out against the rest.
There are 3 radio frequency methods available: monopolar, bipolar and multipolar. Each method is distinguished by the number of poles it uses. Monopolar uses a single electrode tip, which delivers energy to the space between the electrode and the grounding plate. Whereas the bipolar method passes waves between 2 electrodes and multipolar using 3. According to a recent clinical study, bipolar was more effective at increasing skin tightness, hydration levels, density and barrier function in women aged between 20 to 69 years, regardless of therapy duration when compared to monopolar.

Radio frequency benefits for the skin
The main benefits of RF treatments are to reduce the visible signs of ageing. After the first treatment, skin becomes plumper, firmer and smoother. And with consistent use, you’ll notice a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, along with more lifted and tighter skin. For anyone experiencing loss of firmness and dullness in their skin, it's the ideal long-term solution to restore your glow.
Radio frequency face treatments side effects
Typically, there are minimal side effects to the radio frequency face lift. You do feel a comfortable warming sensation (almost like a hot stone face massage), and you may experience some mild redness after your treatment. Both are completely normal. While there isn’t any downtime, it’s recommended to complete your RF facials during your night-time routine to benefit from additional collagen renewal as you sleep.
Expert Advice: Do not use RF skin devices if you have had a professional chemical peel, facial abrasion, ablative laser treatments, botox, fillers or plastic surgery within the past 3 months.
The best at home RF device
We’ve rounded up the most effective professional radio frequency devices for home use in 2024, factoring in everything from optimised temperature levels, efficacy, usability and of course, the results. Discover the best devices for radio frequency treatment at home.
CurrentBody Skin RF Radio Frequency Device
This device has been developed by CurrentBody, a global leader in the development of home use beauty devices that works by energising cells deep within the skin to stimulate collagen. In a study with 40 participants, 94% were satisfied after their first treatment. Sold with a complimentary CurrentBody Skin Radio Frequency Gel (100ml).
One customer, Mark, says this “fantastic device” not only has the same feeling as the RF devices in-clinic, but also the same results. “I think it’s better because you can have more treatments and target the areas you need most.” Overall, Mark considers the CurrentBody Skin RF Radio Frequency Device a well built unit that’s easy to use, ergonomically designed and he “wouldn’t be without it now.”
Key Feature: Skin Sense Technology is designed to deliver the most effective RF energy suited to your specific skin resistance. The technology safely delivers the highest temperature consistently throughout the entire treatment.
Customer Review: “My fine lines on my forehead and smile lines got lighter immediately after the first treatment! It also tightened my jawline and smooths my neck wrinkles. The device heats up quickly without feeling too hot, feel safe and will continue to use it once a week.” – Joyce H.